Sunday, September 9, 2012
Berger and McCloud Reading
Berger- In his article "Ways of Seeing", Berger talks about women and men and how they both differ from one another. Women perceive their presence as a more internal view as well as some external, by appearance, actions and words, while men base their presence of an external force, their power. He argues how nude paintings in earlier times portray the views of them and how it is not only being used today, but how women continue to see themselves and how they believe everyone else sees them.
McCloud- In Scott McCloud's article "The Vocabulary of Comics, he explains to the audience how our mind focuses on multiple things at a time and yet we still know what they are. He aruges that icons can represent different things to each individual because our mind perceives things differently according to the person. By using the comic book format, he allows a simple idea to reach out to people so they can pay attention and understand what he is trying to discuss in a better, more easier way.
Synthesis- Both Berger and McCloud's articles discuss visual art, but they also go into detail about how our minds perceive art and how we connect to it. In Berger's article, he explains to us how women and men view themselves and what they go by. The current surroundings, the deeper meaning within themselves, how they personally view themselves, and how others view them. The mind generates ideas to influence what we do and how we perceive other things and ideas. McCloud goes into the simplest way of getting an idea across to people by doing it with pictures. Using the visual, it still creates a certain way for people to view what is going on and how they should take it. Their mind still perceives a certain view, but it's all in how the artist made it. Both of the articles include the visual aspects to get the point across of what they are trying to say.
1) McCloud uses the comic book format to convey his ideas because it is a fairly simple way for people to understand what they are reading. They can look at the pictures and understand what is going on while also reading about it in the word bubble. His points would only suffer because his article is about how a simple idea can be picked up on by any person. Using pictures and words,
2) Berger has explained how men and women are different due to society's thoughts on their image. How women are portrayed in today's society are genuinely different, but are still the same. This generation of women are seen in a negative or insecure manner. They do see themselves in a different way, but because of advertisement and what society believes a beautiful woman should look like, it turns their thoughts sour. Back then, they were more seen as a well rounded figure with more meaning to them. They had internal thoughts, yes, but they also took in everything that they did to send out a certain message about them and not just by appearance.
3) I believe you assigned us to read these articles to show that writing isn't the only way of telling a point. Using the visual effects is also a way of getting a point across to people and help them understand what they are saying much easier. It's not just a textbook, novel or article. It's just a more intriguing way of getting people to read.
Opinion- I really loved reading this. I have always been a big fan of how people in society are so easily influenced by others opinion. The way our mind perceives certain images or think accordingly to how we see something is just amazing. We usually have a general idea as to what everyone thinks, but how they really take it in is something beyond our grasp and that is why I found it fascinating that even back then, the thoughts are the same as ours today only slightly different. The only negative thing about McCloud's article is how it kinda makes me think that maybe some people are just lazy and the only thing they really look for is pictures and not what's in the text. That was the only down siding thought to both of the article's.
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Good response, Rae'ven. I'm glad you loved reading the articles. Your synthesis paragraph was particularly thorough, and I like how you emphasized the role of perception in both readings.