Summary: In "Queer Rhetorical Agency: Questioning Narratives of Heteronormativity", by David Wallace and Jonathan Alexander, they attempt to explain how homosexual writings are different than other texts. They then compare Sedgwick's epistemology of the closet to Delpit and Gee's versions of new literacy studies.
Synthesis: This article is like that of Malinowitz's article "Queer Texts, Queer Contexts" because they both talk about the LGBT community and how people discriminate this group of individuals. Each of these articles talk about how discriminating against this certain group is wrong and that society needs to accept people that are the particular way they are.
Opinion: I loved how they discuss why it's wrong for society to discriminate against people just because of something that isn't considered normal. Whenever I read texts about people that are outside of the "norm", it just makes me feel that much more connected to people and it makes me feel that there are other people who want to stop discrimination and how they are trying to cease it from continuing on in our society today.
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